Sober Now

Herein are some ideas that helped me stop abusing alcohol.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thoughts on Recovery

 Money Difficulties?

With so many people today dealing with an ever increasing debt load, bankruptcy, foreclosure and even long term unemployment money becomes a greater and more central stress factor in our lives. As we worry about money problems and falling into debt our whole life revolves around all the negative possibilities of not having money. The more you worry about money the more that you notice every little cent that you spend. The more you are aware of how much you have to spend the more you worry about how little you make.

This creates a vicious cycle of negativity about money and spending.

If you have stopped to consider what is happening you will see the obvious trap. If you are thinking about debt, increasing bills and decreasing income all the time then that is exactly what happens. You will see bills everywhere you go. Going to the mailbox will be a torture that you endure each day because, guess what, inside your mailbox you will find bills. You will also find letters from friends, birthday cards or maybe even a coupon book that will help to save money, but you won’t see them because you are focused on debt, bills and lack of cash.

You have to stop thinking about debt and lack of money, which are negative thoughts, and start thinking about positive thoughts. See yourself going to the mailbox and finding a check or a book of coupons that will save you money at the store. See yourself having what you need and being grateful for all that you have. Don’t dwell on what you don’t have but look to the future and to the blessings that you have today. When you start to focus on all the wonderful things in your life, many which have nothing to do with money, you will automatically feel spiritually richer and more fulfilled. This in turn leads to a positive view of the future and chances to change your positive financial opportunities in the world around you.

Do You Want To Live In The Real World In 2012?

Many people that don’t feel a strong sense of connection to the world around them turn to ways to escape into a reality where they feel they do have a connection. This can be a very powerful escape mechanism that often doesn’t look like the addiction that it is. In my book the Law of Sobriety I focus on how alcohol and drug addictions can ruin lives, but in reality the computer can be just as problematic. Making a change from spending hours on the computer to connecting to real people in the world around may be the best New Years resolution if you find yourself in this addiction trap.

People may turn to a variety of aspects of the internet and the computer to escape from the negativity of the world they are currently experiencing. This may include internet porn, spending hours and hours on social media websites or becoming a constant player in 3D and role playing games that allow players to create a powerful persona that is just the person we want to be.

While this may seem like a healthy escape it is absolutely devastating. People that rely on these online simulations and games become more isolated and alone in the real world. What needs to happen is all the energy that is going into creating that perfect online persona needs to go into envisioning yourself being successful in the real world. You need to see yourself in social settings, meeting new people, building that relationship you seek and interacting in your community. By opening up all the possibilities of these types of real and positive relationships in your mind you are prepared when the opportunities arise. When you are off the computer and in the real world you will find that the person you want to be is right there inside of you; not just in some virtual world on your computer.

Sherry Gaba LCSW, Psychotherapist, Life & Recovery Coach is featured Celebrity Rehab on VH1. Sherry is the author of The Law of Sobriety which uses the law of attraction to recover from any addiction.

 Please download your Free EBooks from Sherry™s Enrich Your Life Series. Contact Sherry at for webinars, teleseminars, coaching packages and speaking engagements.

Listen to Sherry on A Moment of Change with Sherry Gaba on CBS.

Sherry Gaba, LCSW, Psychotherapist and Life Coach on Celebrity Rehab


Sherry Gaba, LCSW, Psychotherapist and Life Coach

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