Sober Now

Herein are some ideas that helped me stop abusing alcohol.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Drunk — Edward Slingerland

What kind of book is Drunk by Edward Slingerland?

  • “Drunk is one of those rare, enthralling books that is as entertaining as it is enlightening. Slingerland’s uproarious and erudite exploration of the history, anthropology, and science of intoxicants will revolutionize how you drink and think.

Drunk — Edward Slingerland

Who is the author of the book Drunk?

  • As Edward Slingerland acknowledges, society has turned its back on alcohol, becoming an intolerant prurient shadow of the thousands of years since alcohol was tamed and made part of civil society. His book, Drunk, travels the globe and plumbs history in a multitude of societies to prove its worthiness of our consideration.

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."
- Albert Camus


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