STEP 1 - Show gratitude
(* There's a lot more to gratitude than saying "thank you." Emerging research shows that people who are consistently grateful are happier, more energetic and hopeful, more forgiving and less materialistic. Gratitude needs to be practised daily because it doesn't necessarily come naturally.)
STEP 2 - Cultivate Optimism
STEP 3 - Avoid overthinking and social comparison
(* Many of us believe that when we feel down we should try to focus inwardly to attain self-insight and find solutions to our problems. But numerous studies have shown that overthinking sustains or worsens sadness.)
STEP 4 - Practice kindness
STEP 5 - Nurture social relationships
STEP 6 - Develop coping skills
STEP 7 - Learn to forgive
(* Forgiveness is not the same thing as reconciliation, pardoning or condoning. Nor is it a denial of your own hurt. Forgiveness is a shift in thinking and something that you do for yourself and not for the person who has harmed you.
Research confirms that clinging to bitterness or hate harms you more than the object of your hatred. Forgiving people are less likely to be hostile, depressed, anxious or neurotic.
* Forgive yourself for past wrongs. Recognising that you too can be a transgressor will make you more empathetic to others. )
STEP 8 - Find more flow
(* "Flow" was a phrase coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the 1960s. It means you are totally immersed in what you are doing and unaware of yourself. Happy people have the capacity to enjoy their lives even when their material conditions are lacking and even when many of their goals have not been reached.)
STEP 9 - Savour the day
STEP 10 - Commit to your goals
(* People who strive for something personally significant, whether it's learning a new craft or changing careers, are far happier than those who don't have strong dreams or aspirations. Working towards a goal is more important to wellbeing than its attainment.)
STEP 11 - Take care of your soul
(* A growing body of psychological research suggests that religious people are happier, healthier and recover better after traumas than nonreligious people. ...
* Find the sacred in ordinary life ...)
STEP 12 - Take care of your body
"The How of Happiness" Sonja Lyubomirsky - TalkRational