Sober Now

Herein are some ideas that helped me stop abusing alcohol.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to be Happy in 12 Simple Steps

STEP 1 - Show gratitude 

(* There's a lot more to gratitude than saying "thank you." Emerging research shows that people who are consistently grateful are happier, more energetic and hopeful, more forgiving and less materialistic. Gratitude needs to be practised daily because it doesn't necessarily come naturally.)

STEP 2 - Cultivate Optimism

STEP 3 - Avoid overthinking and social comparison

(* Many of us believe that when we feel down we should try to focus inwardly to attain self-insight and find solutions to our problems. But numerous studies have shown that overthinking sustains or worsens sadness.)

STEP 4 - Practice kindness

STEP 5 - Nurture social relationships

STEP 6 - Develop coping skills

STEP 7 - Learn to forgive 

(* Forgiveness is not the same thing as reconciliation, pardoning or condoning. Nor is it a denial of your own hurt. Forgiveness is a shift in thinking and something that you do for yourself and not for the person who has harmed you.

Research confirms that clinging to bitterness or hate harms you more than the object of your hatred. Forgiving people are less likely to be hostile, depressed, anxious or neurotic.

* Forgive yourself for past wrongs. Recognising that you too can be a transgressor will make you more empathetic to others. )

STEP 8 - Find more flow

(* "Flow" was a phrase coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the 1960s. It means you are totally immersed in what you are doing and unaware of yourself. Happy people have the capacity to enjoy their lives even when their material conditions are lacking and even when many of their goals have not been reached.)

STEP 9 - Savour the day

STEP 10 - Commit to your goals 

(* People who strive for something personally significant, whether it's learning a new craft or changing careers, are far happier than those who don't have strong dreams or aspirations. Working towards a goal is more important to wellbeing than its attainment.)

STEP 11 - Take care of your soul

 (* A growing body of psychological research suggests that religious people are happier, healthier and recover better after traumas than nonreligious people. ...

* Find the sacred in ordinary life ...)

STEP 12 - Take care of your body

"The How of Happiness" Sonja Lyubomirsky - TalkRational



Wednesday, October 10, 2012 - Gene Autry: Gene Autry's Cowboy Code

Gene Autry's Cowboy Code
Author Holly George-Warren researched the origins of Gene Autry's Cowboy Code and wrote about it in her award winning book Public Cowboy No. 1: The Life and Times of Gene Autry. Here's and excerpt:

Gene and Champion

Gene's Ten Cowboy Commandments began to evolve from such Autry-related publicity as the item "Nine Cardinal Rules Govern Production of All Autry Films," which ran in the 1949 press book for Riders in the Sky. As early as August 1947, Gene had pronounced cowboy-code mandates during his Melody Ranch radio show dramas. Gene's PR team promoted his Cowboy Code, which was referred to in the 1948 Life magazine feature, and fan magazines began to publicize the rules as they evolved. Tenets promoting an ethical, moral, and patriotic lifestyle had an affinity to those of such youth organizations as the Boy Scouts, which developed similar doctrines. The rules were a natural progression of Gene's philosophies going back to his first Melody Ranch programs – and early pictures.

Gene Autry's Cowboy Code

The Cowboy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take unfair advantage.

He must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.

He must always tell the truth.

He must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.

He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.

He must help people in distress.

He must be a good worker.

He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.

He must respect women, parents, and his nation's laws.

The Cowboy is a patriot.

—Gene Autry
© Autry Qualified Interest Trust - Gene Autry: Gene Autry's Cowboy Code


Cowboy Code

Gene Autry's Cowboy Code  

  1. The Cowboy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take unfair advantage.
  2. He must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.
  3. He must always tell the truth.
  4. He must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.
  5. He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.
  6. He must help people in distress.
  7. He must be a good worker.
  8. He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.
  9. He must respect women, parents, and his nations laws.
  10. The Cowboy is a patriot.

© 1994 Gene Autry Survivors Trust
From Delta Airlines Sky magazine, August 1998.


Lawsuit over a dangerous, unsupervised and unsafe drug and alcohol rehabilitation program

This article needs to be viewed with great seriousness.  It has been rumored that Scientology is operating rehabilitation facilities in our area and they keep quiet about their affiliation with their church of L. Ron Hubbard.

The Canadian magazine, Maclean's, on October 8, 2012, published an investigative report called "Scientology's plan for Canada" that implies they have become unpopular in California but are making a massive expansion into Canada. 

They say, "Due to its history of aggressive litigation, news reports on the church, especially in Canada, have been sporadic."  

If you witnessed Tom Cruise ranting and raving about his wonderful church, you know how obsessed these people can get.... .

This is just one facility being sued....  How many places do these maniacs operate???.


Lawsuit: "Narconon operates a dangerous, unsafe and unsupervised drug and alcohol rehabilitation program.”

By Jeanne LeFlore Staff Writer


The parents of a patient found dead at Narconon Arrowhead this summer have filed a lawsuit against the facility and its medical director alleging 

“Narconon’s actions were grossly negligent, willful, wanton and reckless resulting in the suffering and death of Stacy Murphy, the plaintiff’s daughter.”

The suit also alleges Narconon and ABLE acted together in concert to “tortuously operate a dangerous, unsafe an unsupervised drug and alcohol rehabilitation program.”

Narconon Arrowhead is a nonprofit drug and alcohol rehabilitation center which has been the center of an ongoing investigation after the deaths of four patients. Three of the deaths occurred at the facility in the last year.

The lawsuit alleges that “Narconon’s actions were grossly negligent, willful, wanton and reckless resulting in the suffering and death of Stacy Murphy, the plaintiff’s daughter.”

The suit also alleges Narconon and ABLE acted together in concert to “tortuously operate a dangerous, unsafe an unsupervised drug and alcohol rehabilitation program.”

Filed by trial lawyers Gary L. Richardson and Charles L. Richardson who represent the plaintiffs, the lawsuit alleges wrongful death, negligence, and violation of the Oklahoma Consumer Protection Act.

“She was addicted to drugs and she and her parents were introduced to Narconon when they sought treatment for Stacy, the press release states. 

“They were provided misleading information on the Narconon website and by Narconon representatives, which led them to believe that Narconon Arrowhead would be a safe and effective treatment facility.”

According to police reports, from October 2011 until July of 2012 three people were found dead at the facility. 

The attorneys also allege that Narconon Arrowhead fraudulently tells potential students that a physician is on staff 24 hours a day. “Instead, a physician is present only once a week.”


In the case filed Friday for the Murphy family, the attorneys allege that

“Narconon ... and ABLE an umbrella group that oversees the drug rehabilitation, education and criminal justice activities of the Church of Scientology... all rely exclusively on the written 'technology' of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology, to address the drug and alcohol rehabilitation needs of students enrolled in Narconon programs.

This despite the fact that Hubbard had no known training or education in the field of drug and alcohol rehabilitation.


Something bothered me about the wording of the article - the patients are called 'students' and the Hubbard philosophy is called a 'technology'... 

It was tempting to change the wording, which was done in a few places, and not the rest because it occurred to me that it must have been the wording of the Narconon Rehab when discussing people under their care.  

Maybe it is a strategy not calling them patients; an attempt to avoid responsibility for the same level of care required of a medical facility?

Read More @ Source:

Lawsuit: "Narconon operates a dangerous, unsafe and unsupervised drug and alcohol rehabilitation program.” » Breaking News » McAlester News-Capital, McAlester, OK


Saturday, October 6, 2012

synthetic_marijuna_fact_sheet_public.pdf (application/pdf Object)


1. What is Synthetic Marijuana? Synthetic Marijuana is a man made drug that is not marijuana.

It was invented to act like marijuana; however, it is more powerful and more dangerous than marijuana.

This fake marijuana, often called Spice, K2 or Legal Phunk, is sprayed on real plant products, like leaves, and sold as incense or potpourri. It is usually smoked,but can be eaten too.

When used, it can be very dangerous. Other names for this include Lava Red, Aroma, Dream, Mr. Nice Guy, and many more.

Beware of name changes as they are changed often as is the chemical make‐up.

2. Where is K2/Spice (synthetic marijuana) sold?

K2/Spice can be bought very easily on the internet. They can also be found in head shops, smoke shops,convenience stores and some gas stations.

Government officials are trying to make them illegal, but as of yet, they remain legal.

3. Why is K2/Spice (synthetic marijuana) sold if they are drugs and harmful?

K2/Spice are sold in a way that outsmarts state and local regulations by stating on the package that they are “not for human consumption.” Because of this, it is very difficult to regulate and track. It is cheap, easy to purchase, sold as fake (synthetic) marijuana that doesn’t show up on standard drug tests.

4. How does K2/Spice (synthetic marijuana) affect you?

People who use K2/Spice or any other synthetic marijuana experience:

Fast heart rate Convulsions (seizures)

Seeing things (hallucinations) Weakness

Dry mouth Passing out (coma)
Death has resulted in some cases!

5. What happens to the people who use K2/Spice (synthetic marijuana)?

When people use K2/Spice (synthetic marijuana), they can have heart attacks, brain damage, kidney failure and scary hallucinations (seeing things) that last for many days.

6. Who uses K2/Spice (synthetic marijuana)?

K2/Spice (synthetic marijuana) are used by all people, regardless of age, gender, or status.

Bottom Line: 
K2/Spice (synthetic marijuana) 

A. It is very easy to get. 

B. It is very dangerous and can lead to heart attacks, brain damage, kidney failure and scary images/hallucinations.

For More Information

synthetic_marijuna_fact_sheet_public.pdf (application/pdf Object)



P.S. This information is posted here because medical marijuana is sometimes used to alleviate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, cancer and 'aids'.  This is a warning to not cut corners and to not use anything but the Real McCoy when it comes to treating your m.s. symptoms.Marijuana has gained the status of alternative medicine... .

synthetic_marijuna_fact_sheet_public.pdf (application/pdf Object)